School Travel Support

Chepstow Classic Buses is a Chepstow based bus operator with a beautiful fleet of classic buses available for hire. All our vehicles are lovingly restored to ensure they are in the best condition. Covering South Wales, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Wiltshire, Bath, Somerset and Dorset, you are guaranteed a journey filled with fun, excitement and nostalgia. Contact us now!


9 + 14 =

We will inform you by the end of the summer term if you have been successful in gaining a seat on the bus for your child.

A new seat will need to be applied for at the end of each school year.

Once a seat has been confirmed, please ensure you send a recent photo of your child. This is needed for their pass. All passes will be given an end date of the end of the school year in July.

Please follow us @classicbuses on Facebook for any travel disruptions. Our bus can also be tracked by visiting the website. Please type “791 vineyhill” and click on vehicle for up to date tracking whilst our bus is out on route.


Details for payments can be found below.

Payment Details for Standing Order

Account name: Chepstow classic buses
Account number: 00206531
Sort Code: 30-91-89
Please use your child’s name as reference so we can line up your payments to your child.

Terms and Conditions

By signing this contract, you are entering into a legally binding agreement to make the payments set out below.


If you wish to cancel your child’s pass as they no longer require travel, you must give 1 MONTH’S notice in writing.

Payments must be made by the 28th of each month before travel is due. If you would like your payment date on a different day, you must speak to us beforehand.
Payments are non-refundable.
Payments must be made by standing order. If your payment is not made by the due date, a penalty of £5 will be charged for late payments each month, and travel WILL be denied until payment has been made.
3.1. Please ensure you set a finish date when setting up your standing order, otherwise your payments will carry on being paid until you cancel it. We have no control over this.
Passes must be shown to the driver on entry to the bus for every journey. If a pass is not shown, access to the buses will be denied.
If a pass is lost or defaced, a new one will be required to be purchased at a cost of £5.00 per pass.
Friends may not travel on the bus either to or from school.
You need to be aware of the following points that all students must observe: The bus driver oversees the vehicle in all aspects. They must sit, and only sit, on the seats and behave in a manner that will not cause the driver to be distracted. They must establish courteous and co-operative behaviour with the driver and each other. No student may board the buses until authorised by the driver. All students must remain in their seat until the bus comes to a stop at appropriate points. If vandalism occurs in an area of the bus, then the responsibility in the first instance will be with the occupants of that seat. The bus Company will seek recompense from such individuals. If the transport is delayed for any reason once it has left the school with students aboard, then the passengers will be instructed by the driver as to the appropriate course of action. If a bus ‘breaks down’ at a dangerous place, then the driver will instruct the students regarding moving to a safer location.
Food and drink are no longer allowed to be consumed on our buses.
If you have any questions, or require further information on our terms of travel, please contact Louise on 01291625449/07422939963 or email

Please sign to agree to our terms and conditions. Travel will not be allowed to commence if this has not been signed.